Author: PR Admin

Program Icons

We have now made available downloadable program icons for you to use in your programs, promotions, and celebrations.

There are icons for:

  • Challenge Areas
  • Scout Method
  • Special Interest Areas
  • Outdoor Adventure Skills
  • Milestones
  • Plan>Do>Review>
  • Intro To Section

Please use them as provided, without altering them. Thanks.

You can find the icons for download in the Other Resources page, under the Program Icons tab.

New Video – This Is Our Program

In January 2019 we launched our new youth program at AJ2019. The National Program Space was a hive of activity, information and learning as we shared what the future of Scouting will look like. 

To demonstrate the youth program’s power in fostering the development of young people, through adventurous, fun, challenging and inclusive programs, we’re excited to launch this new video for you to share.

One Program, One Journey

This video represents all that is unique about the youth program currently being implemented by some local Scout Groups across the country on an agreed schedule. 

This video represents all that is unique about the youth program currently being implemented by local Scout Groups across the country on an agreed schedule. 

You can find the 2 min video on the front page of It can also be downloaded from there, for you to use in local presentation. Note that it is 258MB so will take some time to download.

Read more about the video at

Adult Skills Development Checklist

How is your role as an adult in Scouting progressing the implementation of the program in your unit?

This document provides a series of questions that can be used to reflect on your own personal development as an adult in Scouting, working with young people in units and groups. From there, you can set some goals for your own ongoing development. Don’t forget to use Plan>Do>Review>!

You can find the checklist under the Group Support tab of the Other Resources page of the PR website.

Programming Overview Updated

The Programming Overview document has been updated based on recent feedback.

The content has been significantly reviewed and updated to bring it up to date with key messages about good programming using the four Challenge Areas.

It has also been updated with the new branding and to remove the “Pioneers” titles originally featured on this very early resource for the new program.

You can find version 2.0 in the Weekly Program page, under the Programming tab.

Program Planning Templates Zipped

Two Microsoft Excel documents have been created to support program planning for Units. One is The Program Planning blank template, and the other is an example of a completed template.

These files are now combined into a single zipped toolkit for download: Program Planning Toolkit (Interim).

(These are interim while we await the development of an online digital system for program planning and the new program).

.zip files can be “unzipped” on Windows and Mac computers without installing extra software.

Go to the Weekly Program section, under the tab Programming, to find the toolkit.