Scouts | Terrain FAQs relocated, expanded, and now searchable!

Check this knowledge base of Scouts | Terrain Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) if you want to know more, or are having some troubles with Scouts | Terrain.

We have moved the FAQs into a new location that complements other Scouts | Terrain resources, as well as all the other youth program documents, videos, and resources.

You can go directly to the FAQs at

Or, find the FAQs button on the Scouts | Terrain page on the Program Resources website (

You can even find it in the program resources website menu, under the Scouts | Terrain menu item (where there is also a direct link to Scouts | Terrain login).

An exciting new feature is the ability to search the FAQs for the particular topic or question you want to know more about.

The button that links you to the FAQs currently found on Scouts | Terrain itself, will be updated on Monday 21st September, 2020.

New questions have been added, and old questions revised. This will continue as Scouts | Terrain grows and matures.