Resource related to SPICES.

How To Prepare A Scouts’ Own

The World Organization of the Scout Movement tells us that a Scouts’ Own is a gathering of Scouts. This can be in small or large groups. In smaller groups, Scouts are able to get involved, share their experiences, and see that spirituality is something that affects them and gives meaning and direction to their lives. In large groups Scouts can enjoy a collective experience, perhaps celebrating the shared values of Scouting and the impact this has on their lives.

A Scouts’ Own is an activity that helps us reflect on our connection with nature and the world around
us. We reflect on our place in the world and with our community. Scouts’ Owns are one way in which we can develop spirituality, however they are not religious services or observances.

Use this resources to help you create your own Scouts’ Own for your Unit, Patrol, or a larger gathering of Scouts. It has helpful hints about planning, doing, and reviewing your Scouts’ Own program, and includes information about how they can be incorporated into the Achievement Pathways.

Page:Weekly Program
Direct Link:Preparing A Scouts’ Own

The Fundamentals Posters

There are some aspects that you will see in Scouting and the program that are essential to achieving the stated goals of Scouting. They are what makes our program unique as a global Movement of young people and adult volunteers. We call these the Fundamentals of Scouting.

We have refreshed some of the posters that promote the Fundamentals.. You might recognise many of these from The Adventure Begins resource kit of a few years ago. Now they have been refreshed using the the current Scouts Australia branding, with updated program language, and are now available on the Program Resources site.

Check these out and perhaps put them up in your hall!

  • Australian Scout Promise and Law posters
  • The Purpose of Scouting poster
  • Scout Method poster
  • Community Involvement poster
  • Unit Councils poster
  • SPICES poster
  • Youth leading, adults supporting poster
  • A brand new Plan>Do>Review> poster
Scout Method
Promise and Law
Direct Links:Australian Scout Promise
Australian Scout Law poster
Combined Promise and Law poster
The Purpose of Scouting poster
Scout Method poster
Community Involvement poster
Unit Councils poster
SPICES poster
Youth leading, adults supporting poster
Plan>Do>Review> poster

Milestone reflection time? Don’t forget these resources.

When it comes time to reflect on the completion of a Milestone, it can be a bit tricky to know how to do this. We have some resources available to help Scouts with their reflection.

For each section you will find a resource that links the six SPICES areas and their I-Statements, with some questions you could use to encourage Scouts to think about their personal progression.

Although they all have been updated with current Scouts Australia branding, the content remains essentially the same, so if you already use these there is no need to download them again.

Page:Achievement Pathways
Tab:Reflection and Review
Direct Link:Joey Scout Milestone Reflection
Cub Scout Milestone Reflection
Scout and Venturer Scout Milestone Reflection
Rover Scout Milestone Reflection

SPICES Tools Updated

It’s important to recall the Purpose of Scouting:

The Purpose of the Scout Movement is to contribute to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities.

To support Scouts to develop in these areas of personal growth (also known as SPICES), there are some tools available.

Firstly, there is the SPICES I-Statements. These are the educational objectives of each age section, presented in the format of “I can…”

There is also the SPICES Review Tool. Patrols and Unit Councils can use this tool to review a program cycle and determine how well each of the SPICES has been implemented in the program.

Both have been updated, mainly with the new Scouts Australia branding. The Review Tool has some additional information that connects SPICES and Challenge Areas.

Find these resources here:

SPICES I-StatementsSPICES Review Tool
Direct Links:SPICES I-StatementsSPICES Review Tool

All About The Scouts Australia Youth Program

Do you need an overview of the big picture ideas of the new program?

Do you need something for your Group Council to flip through to see how everything comes together in the program?

Maybe you need something to share at your next District Training Meeting (Mindari etc.).

Or better yet, talking points for Unit Leaders, Patrol Leaders, and Unit Councils of all age sections.

Take a look at the resource called New Program Overview. This presentation style PDF breaks down the program into each of its elements so that you can talk through how it all works together. This takes you beyond just “the badges” (i.e. the Achievement Pathways) and into other important elements such as the role of the Scout Method, the importance of SPICES, how patrols work in each age section, and what is meant by “one program, one journey”.

There is even some background to how this new program came about, the burning issues, and the timeline of events leading up to its launch at AJ2019 (where you might remember info boards featuring this content).

Access the Program Overview resource here:

TabFundamentals of the program
Direct LinkNew Program Overview

New Ceremonies Guide

Finally, we are able to launch the new Ceremonies Guide for Australian Scouting!

Ceremonies help us mark important times in Scouting. We use a whole range of different ceremonies, and many of these will look different depending on where you are or who you’re with.

Ceremonies in Scouts Australia are adaptable and changeable. This book acts as a guide; it includes some key considerations for designing ceremonies, and some examples.

The features of your ceremonies and the way they’re run is mostly up to the youth members in your Unit, with adult support as needed.

This guide mirrors what is contained in the Program Handbook, along with additional guidance for adult ceremonies. If you already have the Program Handbook, you won’t need this as well, unless you would like a handy quick reference.

You can find the Guide to Ceremonies in Australian Scouting on the Weekly Program page, under the Ceremonies tab. Or click here.

Printed copies of this guide will also shortly be available from the Scout Shop.

Have you seen our Educational Proposal?

The Purpose of Scouting reminds us that at its core, the Scout Movement is a non-formal educational movement of young people, supported by adults. Have you read our Educational Proposal lately?

The Educational Proposal describes how our youth program, a non-formal program of personal development for children, adolescence, and young adults, is complementary to formal education. It sets the scene for the context in which we operate, including describing the needs, desires, opportunities, and challenges facing 21st Century young Australians, and Scouting’s role in preparing young people to be active citizens.

Note that the Educational Proposal is not the same as the Program Handbook for the new youth program. It describes many of the concepts that for the program is based on, which can also be found in the Program Handbook.

The Educational Proposal latest update can be found under the Educational Purpose tab on the Other Resources page. Or you can download it directly from here.

“When Old Meets New” the poster

Our youth program is re-imagining Scouting for the 21st century. But what’s changing, and what should we expect when the old meets new?

This new program is being progressively implemented across Australia. As we see, hear and discuss the changes, there’s some important differences to be aware of.

When Old Meets New compares our old ways of doing things with the approach of the new youth program.

This poster has previously been viewed at major events and on the Scouts Australia website. Now you can download it here and put it up in your hall or meeting space!

The poster is available in the Scout Group Support tab, on the Other Resources page.

It would complement nicely the Elements of the Program Poster, also found under the Scout Group Support tab.

Program Icons

We have now made available downloadable program icons for you to use in your programs, promotions, and celebrations.

There are icons for:

  • Challenge Areas
  • Scout Method
  • Special Interest Areas
  • Outdoor Adventure Skills
  • Milestones
  • Plan>Do>Review>
  • Intro To Section

Please use them as provided, without altering them. Thanks.

You can find the icons for download in the Other Resources page, under the Program Icons tab.

Scouts Australia’s Educational Proposal Version 3

The Educational Proposal of Scouts Australia describes how our youth program, a non-formal program of personal development for children, adolescence, and young adults, is complementary to formal education. It sets the scene for the context in which we operate, including describing the needs, desires, opportunities, and challenges facing 21st Century young Australians, and Scouting’s role in preparing young people to be active citizens.

This is the third edition of Scouts Australia’s Educational Proposal. The first edition was made available for download in mid-2016, and the second in 2018.

Worldwide, Scouting is an educational movement of young people, supported by adults. The Educational Proposal enables Scouts Australia to explain to the Australian community how the Scout youth program meets the developmental needs of young people in Australian society, in accordance with the Purpose, Principles and Method of the Movement, and in line with the Mission of Scouting.

The audience for this document is mainly an external one. Elements might be used to support proposals to external bodies, such as governments and businesses, or for organisations we are looking to partner with. It also acts as a reference document for adult training, particularly as new adults are recruited into Scouting roles. It is important that all adults understand the importance of offering an attractive program, and be committed to a style of educational relationship based on the Scout Method.

The Educational Proposal is not a manual for the new youth program. It is based on the work of the Scouts Australia Youth Program Review, which began in earnest in 2013, and came to be the “new youth program” in 2019.

Any feedback on the content of this document should be forwarded to the Program Support Team via yp.support@scouts.com.au.

You can find the Educational Proposal in the Other Resources section of the PR site, under the Educational Purpose tab.