Although this is just a minor update – mainly just tidying up some of the program language, some typos, and updating the branding – we thought it was a good opportunity to remind you of the resource called Programming Overview, now updated on the Program Resources website.
All Scout programs should be adventurous, fun, challenging and inclusive for all Scouts involved. By following the programming model for each age section, young people are able to create a Scout program that is engaging and suitable for all members of the Unit or Patrol. Some Scouts may need support to contribute their ideas, and to deliver their ideas in the program.
This resource especially encourages you to ensure the Scout Method is prominent in your programs. The Scout Method is what ensures Scouting embraces non-formal education and learning, in order to achieve the Purpose and Mission of Scouting.
You can find Programming Overview here:
Page | The Weekly Program |
Tab | Programming |
Direct Link | Programming Overview |