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If I have multiple roles within Scouting, how do I login? (i.e. im a Venturer Scout, but also an Assistant Joey Scout Leader)

You’ll login to the system with your 1 membership number (i.e. 12345) and then you’ll be able to access your various roles from that single login.

On the top right hand corner of your screen is your profile switcher. You can use this to switch roles. Clicking on your profile (circle with your initials) or the bar will open up a drop down containing an option to log-out, as well as listing your roles & formations.

If the formation you are involved in is listed here, simply click on it to start interacting with it.

If it’s not listed here, you will need to be added to it. Any Unit Leader or adult Leader from within that Unit can add you by clicking the ‘Add Unit Member’ button from within their Unit table in the members area. They will need to know your membership number & Branch, or if you’re in the same Group they’ll be able to add you by name.