How do I use the baseline tool to enter the Introduction to Section?

This tool can only be used if the member has not yet been baselined.

Firstly, log in to Scouts | Terrain and visit your Member table. If you have already allocated your members to Units, then click the Unit table view.

Choose the Unit you wish to interact with. If you have not allocated members to Units yet, then all your Group members will be listed in the Group view.

Scroll in the table view you have to the right hand side and you can see the ‘Baseline Achievements’ column. If a data import needs to be done you will see a Baseline link next to the members name. Click this to open up the baseline function.

The baseline tool will open into the Introduction to Section page.

To add the achievement of the Introduction to Section, first choose which section this will be achieved for. If it’s the Cub Scout introduction to section, use the top left drop down menu to choose ‘Cub Scout’. If it’s another section, choose that.

Then click ‘add’ and nominate a date awarded (as close to as possible). Then, click ‘save’.

All done!

For a much more detailed step by step explanation, check out our resource on about using the data input tool.