Scouts | Terrain FAQs
A knowledge base of common questions.
Adult Support
- As an adult Leader, how can I directly change, control, submit or support a youth member’s personal progression in the Achievement Pathways?
- Can a youth member edit their submission once it’s been submitted for approval?
- Can I edit achievement data that I have entered using the baseline tool?
- Does Scouts | Terrain keep track of what badges I have in stock?
- How do I keep track of what’s been submitted, approved or awarded?
- How do I move a youth member up a section? i.e. move a Scout to Venturer Scouts?
- How is an adult Leader involved in sign off of an achievement?
- Is there a ‘dark’ mode?
- What can I see in the Members view?
- What kind of reports can I run?
- What permission level does a user need to access the import tool?