Scouts | Terrain FAQs
A knowledge base of common questions.
Program Essentials
- Are participates, assists and leads automatically approved in my Program Essentials record?
- As a Unit Leader or adult leader, where can I see how many participates, assists and leads my Unit members have?
- Can I ‘back date’ or confirm the participates, assists or leads after the activity has occurred?
- Do Milestone participates track across the Milestones, even if the previous is not fully completed?
- How do I know the status of the achievement I’m working on?
- How do I record a Participate, Assist or Lead in Scouts | Terrain?
- How many Challenge Areas can an activity be?
- Is the Introduction to Scouting completed only once and does it then flow on to the next section when youth members move on?
- Is the Introduction to Scouting the same for each section?
- Isn’t the Introduction to Scouting too wordy and complicated for Joey Scouts?