Scouts | Terrain FAQs
A knowledge base of common questions.
- Can I create an acitivity for a team and then add team members?
- Can I edit an imported event?
- Can I mark attendance?
- Can I organise a multi-unit or multi-group night?
- Can I print out the calendar or activity plan?
- Can I RSVP to an event or activity?
- Can I share program ideas across Branches?
- Can more than one person be nominated as an activity organiser?
- Can we export the calendar to iCal or other third-party calendar apps or websites?
- How do I use the clock tool to set a time?
- How do multiple people review and event, for example if there is multiple assists or leads?
- How does Scouts | Terrain support flexible Units that might do activities together?
- How long are programs available for?
- If a member moves groups, can they have access to the old groups programs and the new groups programs?
- If I’m in Unit Council could I remove items from the calendar?
- Is ‘risk assessment’ being built in to the system?
- We have two Cub Scout Units, can we share both Unit’s calendar with each other? We run a concurrent program.
- When I share an activity, what is shared?
- When I’m creating a new activity and choosing who the activity is for, what’s the difference between ‘Patrol’, ‘Unit’ and ‘Group’?
- When you put an event in the calendar, does it automatically update nights under canvas and hiking kilometres for participants?
- Why can’t i edit or update the activity in our calendar?
- Will Units in the same Group automatically have linked calendars, or will they have to share activities?