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How do I record a Participate, Assist or Lead in Scouts | Terrain?

In Scouts | Terrain your Participates, Assists and Leads are planned and allocated through the Programming function. When an activity is created, individuals from within the Patrol, Unit or Group are nominated as being a participant, assist or a lead. Once the activity has been concluded (and reviewed!) these Participates, Assists and Leads flow back to the individuals Achievement Pathways record.

A youth member will need to conduct a quick Assist or Lead review> to complete this and have the Assist or Lead credited towards their Milestone.

Participates are automatically given to those that were recorded as attending an activity in Scouts | Terrain.

Participates, Assists and Leads will automatically flow into the relevant Challenge Area as nominated by the activity plan, and will fill up the relevant ‘credit’ spot in your Achievement Pathways Milestone progression.

When youth members first join Scouts | Terrain, they can complete a data input to show where they are up to in their Milestones. You can use the Data Input tool, accessed via the members function (Unit Table), to allocate relevant Participates, Assists and Leads to the youth members record.